Chef Takagi-san, renowned with two Michelin stars in Japan, is acclaimed worldwide, with restaurants in luxury hotels like The Peninsula Tokyo, and in China, Taiwan, and the Maldives. It was a stroke of luck to secure a reservation under such a prestigious chef. Tonight’s setting is illuminated by the exquisite presentation that captures the eye.
The star of the evening is “Sake Hundred,” perfectly paired with Chef Takagi-san’s dashi, a divine combination. His mastery lies in blending Japanese ingredients with high-quality Thai ingredients, creating a symphony of flavors. The next offering is “Yamahai” from the Noguchi Sake Institute, crafted by a living national treasure. Its profound taste leaves a lasting impression.
With only ten seats, the intimate space allows for personalized service, creating a unique and exceptional experience. As I savor the lingering flavors of the dinner, I make our way to the Bamboo Bar for a final drink, extending the blissful evening.
Dreaming of the next visit, I cherish the memories of this night. To experience Chef Takagi’s magic once more. Let’s step out and make a reservation. (Mr.Bacchus)
You can also enjoy JUYONDAI imported to Thailand through a perfect cold chain to preserve its quality.