Discover Japan


皆様、こんにちは。私はBacchus Globalの代表、原 宏治です。この度は私たちのWEBサイトにお越しいただき、誠にありがとうございます。
Bacchus Globalは、日本の伝統的な酒文化をタイへ紹介することをミッションとしています。実力がありながらまだ光の当たらない酒蔵様を応援し、彼らの素晴らしいお酒ををタイの皆様に紹介することで、国境を越えた文化交流の架け橋となることを願っております。
私自身、金融業界の山一證券、エンタメ業界のカルチュア・コンビニエンス・クラブ(TSUTAYA)、IT業界の楽天といった様々な業界を経験し、20年以上にわたってタイに住み、同時にソムリエとして30年以上、ワインやお酒の知識を深めてきました。私の人生で自身で飲むお酒に費やした金額は3億円以上にのぼります。この経験と情熱が、Bacchus Globalの商品ラインアップとサービスに活かされています。
また、Bacchus Globalはアジア最強の酒類インポーターを目指しています。私のソムリエ、唎酒師としての経験、直接蔵元と交渉する能力、そして選び抜かれた銘柄、徹底した品質管理により、タイのソムリエや新進気鋭のハイエンドレストラン・バーオーナーの皆様、さらにはZ世代の方々に「何か面白い、ワクワクする」お酒を提供することで、蔵元様、消費者の方々共にWinーWinの関係を築くことが我々の使命です。
最後に、Bacchus Globalは、日本の酒文化を広めるために、常に新しい挑戦を続けてまいります。皆様の人生に、私たちのお酒が新たな彩りを加えることを願っています。今後ともBacchus Globalをどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
原 宏治







1. ワクワクする商品 : 豊かな経験を基にプロ達や若い世代のお客様にもサプライズがある面白い商品を提供する

2. 徹底した品質管理 : 蔵元で味わうそのままの品質のお酒をタイでも提供する

3. 信頼 : 小さな蔵元を応援し日本の伝統的な酒文化を正しくタイの皆様に伝える


“Discover Japan”




Hello everyone. I am Koji Hara and I am the representative of Bacchus Global. Thank you very much for visiting our website.

Bacchus Global’s mission is to introduce traditional Japanese sake culture to Thailand. We hope to support sake breweries that are talented but have not yet been exposed to the spotlight, and by introducing their wonderful sake to the people of Thailand, we can become a bridge for cultural exchange across borders.

 I personally have experience in various industries such as Yamaichi Securities in the financial industry, Culture Convenience Club (TSUTAYA) in the entertainment industry, and Rakuten in the IT industry, and have lived in Thailand for over 20 years. I have deepened my knowledge of alcohol. In my life, I have spent over 300 million yen on alcohol. This experience and passion contributes to  Bacchus Global’s product range and services.

Our products are valuable not just for their value as alcoholic beverages, but also for the stories and cultural significance behind them. While valuing our identity as Japanese, our role is to convey to Thai people the thoughts of the brewers that go into each and every sake, and to provide them with a new experience.

Regarding quality, we have established a thorough management system. For example, for Japanese sake, we have created the industry’s first cold chain from the brewer to the Thai customer that is maintained at -5 degrees Celsius at all times. This allows you to enjoy the same quality in Thailand as you enjoy at the brewery in Japan.

Bacchus Global also aims to become Asia’s strongest alcoholic beverage importer. My experience as a sommelier and Master of Sake, ability to negotiate directly with brewers, carefully selected brands, and thorough quality control will help sommelier working in Thailand, up-and-coming high-end restaurant and bar owners, and even Generation Z. Our mission is to build a win-win relationship with both brewers and consumers by providing people with alcohol that is interesting and exciting.

Finally, Bacchus Global will always continue to take on new challenges in order to spread Japan’s sake culture. We hope that our alcohol will add new color to your life. We look forward to your continued support for Bacchus Global.


Koji Hara  President of Bacchus Global Co.,Ltd



Introducing Japanese sake culture to Thailand


By supporting talented but under-the-radar sake breweries and introducing their wonderful sake to Thai people with diverse values, we can become a bridge for cultural exchange across borders.

Core value

1. Innovative and Exciting products : Based on our rich experience, we provide innovative products that surprise both professionals and the younger generation of customer

2. Thorough quality control : Providing the same quality liquor you can enjoy at the brewery in Thailand

3. Trust : Supporting small breweries and correctly conveying Japan’s traditional sake culture to Thai people

Brand message

“Discover Japan”

Based on the concept of rediscovering the charm of Japanese culture, we propose the charm of authentic and high-quality Japanese culture through alcohol.



Superb collection of premium sake, Japanese whisky, Umeshu, Japanese Liqueur and Shochu.


Japonesque Bistro and Bar 

Salon du Japonisant

Slow bar inspired by Japanese liquor traditions


The finest Kobe beef, aged steak and Omakase Japanese set menu