Discover Japan


皆様、こんにちは。私はBacchus Globalの代表、原 宏治です。この度は私たちのWEBサイトにお越しいただき、誠にありがとうございます。
Bacchus Globalは、日本の伝統的な酒文化をタイへ紹介することをミッションとしています。実力がありながらまだ光の当たらない酒蔵様を応援し、彼らの素晴らしいお酒ををタイの皆様に紹介することで、国境を越えた文化交流の架け橋となることを願っております。
私自身、金融業界の山一證券、エンタメ業界のカルチュア・コンビニエンス・クラブ(TSUTAYA)、IT業界の楽天といった様々な業界を経験し、20年以上にわたってタイに住み、同時にソムリエとして30年以上、ワインやお酒の知識を深めてきました。私の人生で自身で飲むお酒に費やした金額は3億円以上にのぼります。この経験と情熱が、Bacchus Globalの商品ラインアップとサービスに活かされています。
また、Bacchus Globalはアジア最強の酒類インポーターを目指しています。私のソムリエ、唎酒師としての経験、直接蔵元と交渉する能力、そして選び抜かれた銘柄、徹底した品質管理により、タイのソムリエや新進気鋭のハイエンドレストラン・バーオーナーの皆様、さらにはZ世代の方々に「何か面白い、ワクワクする」お酒を提供することで、蔵元様、消費者の方々共にWinーWinの関係を築くことが我々の使命です。
最後に、Bacchus Globalは、日本の酒文化を広めるために、常に新しい挑戦を続けてまいります。皆様の人生に、私たちのお酒が新たな彩りを加えることを願っています。今後ともBacchus Globalをどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
原 宏治







1. ワクワクする商品 : 豊かな経験を基にプロ達や若い世代のお客様にもサプライズがある面白い商品を提供する

2. 徹底した品質管理 : 蔵元で味わうそのままの品質のお酒をタイでも提供する

3. 信頼 : 小さな蔵元を応援し日本の伝統的な酒文化を正しくタイの皆様に伝える


“Discover Japan”





Dear Visitors,

I am Koji Hara, President of Bacchus Global. Thank you for taking the time to visit our website.

At Bacchus Global, we are dedicated to introducing the rich traditions of Japanese sake culture to Thailand. By partnering with talented yet lesser-known sake breweries, we aim to bring their exceptional creations to the Thai market, fostering a cultural bridge between our two nations.

With a career spanning various industries—including finance at Yamaichi Securities, entertainment at Culture Convenience Club (TSUTAYA), and IT at Rakuten—I have spent over two decades living in Thailand. As a sommelier with more than 30 years of experience studying wine and other alcoholic beverages, I have developed a deep passion for this field. In my lifetime, I have invested over 300 million yen in exploring the world of alcohol, an experience that shapes every aspect of Bacchus Global’s products and services.

At Bacchus Global, we believe that our offerings are more than just beverages—they are stories, steeped in culture and tradition. By honoring Japan’s heritage, we share the artistry and dedication of sake brewers with the people of Thailand, providing a truly unique experience.

To ensure excellence, we have implemented rigorous quality controls. Notably, we developed the industry’s first cold chain for Japanese sake, maintaining a consistent temperature of -5°C from the brewery in Japan to our customers in Thailand. This commitment ensures that the sake you enjoy retains the same freshness and flavor as if you were tasting it at the brewery.

Our vision extends beyond providing exceptional products. Bacchus Global aspires to become Asia’s leading importer of alcoholic beverages. Leveraging my expertise as a sommelier and certified sake taster, along with direct relationships with breweries, careful brand selection, and meticulous quality control, we deliver innovative offerings to Thai sommeliers, upscale restaurants and bars, and even the next generation of consumers. Through this approach, we aim to create mutually beneficial connections between breweries and customers.

As we continue to embrace new challenges, our mission remains unchanged: to share the beauty of Japan’s sake culture and enrich the lives of our customers. Thank you for your continued trust and support in Bacchus Global.

Warm regards,

Koji Hara

President, Bacchus Global Co., Ltd.




Introducing Japan’s sake culture to Thailand


By supporting talented but still under-the-radar sake breweries and sharing their wonderful sake with people in Thailand who have diverse values, we aim to become a bridge for cultural exchange across borders.

Three Core Values

Innovative Products: Drawing on our extensive experience, we offer surprising and unique products that appeal to both professionals and the younger generation.

Thorough Quality Control: We provide sake in Thailand at the same quality as when it is enjoyed at the brewery in Japan.

Trust: We support small breweries and accurately share Japan’s traditional sake culture with the people of Thailand.

Brand message

“Discover Japan”

Under the concept of rediscovering the charm of Japanese culture, we showcase the authenticity and high quality of Japan through our sake.



Superb collection of premium sake, Japanese whisky, Umeshu, Japanese Liqueur and Shochu.


Japonesque Bistro and Bar 

Salon du Japonisant

Slow bar inspired by Japanese liquor traditions


The finest Kobe beef, aged steak and Omakase Japanese set menu