Experience the Unique Flavors of Toyama
Whiskey that could only be born in Toyama is now going global. Saburomaru Distillery, the oldest whisky distillery in Hokuriku, began its history in 1952, and since then has been constantly pursuing innovation while preserving tradition. The latest “Saburomaru IV” will be released in June 2024 and is attracting keen attention from whiskey fans across the country. This whiskey is a unique product of Toyama’s climate and can only be experienced at the Saburomaru Distillery.
The Saburomaru Distillery began producing whiskey in 1952 against a background of difficulties in sake production due to the postwar rice shortage. The first “Sunshine Whiskey” was the result of the efforts and sincerity of the distillery, which, with the support of the local community, was able to recover from a fire in 1953 in a short period of time. In 2016, a project was started to renovate the aging distillery, which received a lot of support from all over Japan through crowdfunding and successfully revitalized the distillery. These deep connections with the region give Saburomaru whiskey its unique depth of flavor.
The concept behind Saburomaru Distillery’s whiskey production is “The Ultimate Peat. The latest “Saburomaru IV” is made with peat from the Scottish Highlands and has a strong smoky flavor. Furthermore, by introducing the world’s first cast iron pot still “ZEMON,” we have applied the technology of Takaoka copperware, a traditional Toyama craft, to whiskey production to achieve a unique flavor. This kind of attention to detail evokes a strong desire in whisky fans.
The Saburomaru Distillery produces world-class whiskey while preserving Toyama’s nature, culture, and traditional techniques. The facility also offers tours that allow visitors to enjoy the appeal of whiskey with all their five senses, and has a restaurant where they can enjoy local seasonal ingredients, attracting many tourists every year. Now is the time for you to visit Toyama and experience the charm of Saburomaru Whiskey. That one drink will be an unforgettable taste experience for you. Please come and taste for yourself the whiskey that can only be made in Toyama. As the sole distributor in Thailand, we also give priority to brands that are not easily available in Japan. Please contact our sales representative. (Mr. Bacchus)