SHICHIDA 75 Non-filter Nama Aiyama

七田 純米 七割五分磨き 愛山 無濾過生

Sake is a good expression of regional characteristics. Saga Prefecture in the Kyushu region is characterized by sweet and rich tastes in its dishes, and the sake produced there is also suited to the regional food.

“Aiyama”, a rare sake rice, can bring out the umami of the rice as well as Yamadanishiki and Omachi.
This one is unfiltered and unpasteurized, polished only 75%, so it has a lot of umami flavor and the freshness that is only characteristic of unpasteurized sake. Although the alcohol content is high at 17%, the freshness of the unpasteurized sake gives it a refreshing aftertaste.

The foods go well with this sake are deep-fried food and simmered fish. (Mr.Bacchus)